Sunday, November 2, 2008

Our little Bumblebee(s)!

So, because of the first birthday fiasco (refer to an earlier post), I had absolutely NO expectations for the next major event, Halloween. Actually that's not entirely true. I expected that Addy would not be into it at all and be completely frightened of everyone in their costumes. I thought this for two reasons. One, she absolutely freaks when one of us puts a hat on, and Two, I put a Blue's Clues on the other day called "Costume Party." Steve (who actually freaks me out during every episode) was wearing an alien costume. Addy said "No, No, No!" and just started wailing! It took a long time to convince her that Steve was not going to wear that when we started a different episode. In addition to this, she does not like wearing anything on her head or anything that might feel weird. All that to say, I was not entirely optimistic about our Halloween festivities. However, I was pleasantly surprised! When it was time to put on her costume I said, "Do you want to put on your pretty dress?" She got so excited and said, "Yeah!" We decided to not make her wear the headband with antennas, so my mom took pipe cleaner and put them on berrets so she had no idea that anything was weird on her head. At this point, I was just impressed that she was wearing her costume!

Then came the next tricky part. We bought Grinch a bumblebee costume as well and had tried it on him a few nights before. Addy just shook her head and said "No" when we put it on him. So this time (since I was determined to walk downtown Troutdale with both of them dressed as bees) I said, "Look, Grinch has a dress on too!" It worked! She thought that was so funny, and didn't seem to mind at all. So here we have our two little bees looking so stinking cute, but we now have to pass the third test... Walking downtown and seeing other people in costumes...maybe even with hats! Once again, she passed with flying colors! She took her little pumpkin "trick-or-treat" container and walked around getting candy. We would say, "Addy do you want more candy?" and she would nod and say, "Yeah!" at the same time. Then she would walk up to the people and stare into the candy container. They would tell her to take one and she would just look at me. "Mommy do it?" "Yeah." And off we would go to the next one. She loved it! And so did we. Needless to say, she and Grinch got a lot of attention for their matching outfits. They were so cute!

After that, we were off to the church carnival that Grammy worked so hard to put on. We were feeling pretty confident at this point that she would have a good time. I think it was a smart idea to have her walk around and get used to costumes first. Addy had a great time there too! I hardly saw her all night! She was going around to the game booths with different people, and everytime I looked over a new person was feeding her candy! Mommy really had to let was Halloween! We are so proud of our little bumblebee and the little girl that she has become. She is such a joy and such a goof. It was a great night!

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